12:12 AM




The gap between system purposes and the condition actual system.
The report of detection problem is not real or actual.

a. A purposes that too ideal.
b. less of resources and attitude.
c. less acurate is measuremen system.
d. the purposes system that is out of date.
e. difference between idel system and temporary system.

Problem solving:

a. An Acurate the inverstigation.
b. Ideal Getting of system consensus.
c. Developed several alternative.
d. Select the best alternative.

Purpose of investigation indicate problem are happen in the system.


Problem are often appear in system investigation:
- Time
- Cost
- Knowledge
- Politic
- Intervention


Why need tactics ?
- Find all the problem.

- Knowing cause of problem.

- Determine correct solution.

several tactics which can be conducted:

- heard opinion from system subject.

- Consideration some opinion from system agent about the same problem.

- Paying notice to problem of inkonsistensi logical.


Technique directly (Internal):

- The questionnaire

- Discussion

- Monitoring

Technique Indirectly (External):

- Flow of the procedure

- Reviewing documents

- Sample

- Tabular

Current system Description

- Inputs

- Outputs

- Files

- Data elements

- Transaction and document action volume

- Data Flow Diagram


Intensive Interaction stage between system analyst by end is user of where team of system development indicate for get faith user.

4 Purpose which wish reached

- Explaining the system completely.
- Describing ideal the information system.
- Giving provide about make the user trusting into system development
- Bringing ideal information system to condition in this time by paying attention to resource constraint


- Discussion
- Questionnaire
- Observation
- Analyse procedure
- Document Observe

Resource constaraint
- Time
- Money
- Membership
- Technological
- Eksternal Factor

The Requirement Document Analyse

1. Instruction analyse
Relationships with end users, the observation process, problems in data collection.

2. The user needs
The need actual, reporting requirements, training needs and the influence of the new system

3. System Constraint
Explain the constraints of time and cost, expertise, membership, technological and factor eksternal
4. Document in the form of data collecting instrument, statistical consensus, the logical flow of data phisical.


How method near condition of the current system with the condition of the ideal system?

- Creating an alternative for analyze the problem of information system

1. Best alternative is applied wise.

- Options Strategies

1. Distributed versus centralized processing
Change in centralized data processing to decentralized end user responsibility center

2. Integrated versus dispersed database.

3. Surround Strategy of System Development

- Options Tactics
Before behavior to design operational

- Designing Operational Options
Selection in design operational can be group:

a. Input
1. Online Vs Off Line Data Entry
2. Keyed Vs Machine Readable Data Entry
3. Centralized Vs Decentralized Data Entry
b. Processing
1. Batch Vs Realtime record update
2. Sequential Vs Direct Access to records
3. Single Vs Multiple User update of records
c. Output
1. Traditional Vs Turn Around Documents
2. Structured Vs Inquiry based reports


There are 3 method the system "A" said the system more superior with other system if :

a. A has a cost lower than B and their profit equal.
b. A has a cost lower than B and A result in more profits from the B
c. A and B have the same costs but the result benefit A more.

Several Method of Compare System

- Break Even point Analyisis
- Payback Period
- Discounted Payback period
- Internal of Rate Of Return

Categories Cost :
- Hardware.
- Software.
- People.
- Suppliers.
- Telecommunications.
- Physical sites

Categories details

Comparing the cost of information systems through the life of the system, projection analyst of how many expense change for the future and there is 3 model of expense of information system that is Linear, Eksponencial And Step Function

Information system cost happen in one time and be able happen continuous.

- Cost of just information system that happened once that is ontime cost and development cost that happened system development moment .

- Cost of information system that happened continually among other things is reccuring cost and also operational cost of where this expense is happened by the moment of information system operate every day.

The Information System Factor

Qualitative factors that lead the performance information system that both of them:

a. Reducing mistake storey
b. Reducing the time to fix errors
c. Reduce the response time from the workstation alternative
d. Accelerate the time of providing information
e. Improve security systems
f. Multiply to update the active source record
g. Improving user satisfaction

Company Strategy Factor

a. Customer satisfaction
b. Sales increased
c. Consumer and vendor commitment
d. Product marketing Information

Representation Learning System

- Make short in time presentations
- Reduce the technique clarification in detail
- Presenting clearly by means of assist visual
- If using a model using a tool such as a laptop so that more informative
- Emphasize the advatage of the proposed system with some alternative information that is appropriate conditions experienced by the company.

Decision to continue or No

- If the company decide to developing the system so information department will go to next process that is design system process.
- If contrast from above so System development Life Cycle will be stopped.
- Often the problem will be found in study system and the top management ask to re-working to study system.
- Model will explain some part of stage which is repeated and sometimes information department will make a decision before explain the system study.
- With the alternative, the decision to repeat SLDC stage before or not called Go - No-Go Decision.

12:16 AM

The Importance Of Developing An Information System

The Importance Of Developing An Information System

1. Problems existence
the old system problems can not operating as we expected.

2. Organization Growth
organitation growth cause the new system must be arranged to inform that more increasing information.

3. For reach the opportunities
the development of information cause increasing the supply of information with the result can help to decide that done by management.

4. Instructions existence (directives)
the existence instructions from the leader or the outside of organitation, as the government regulation.
for example : employee minimum wages

The Purpose Or Goal Of Developing An Information System

1. Solving the problems that happen in case.

2. Reach the opportunities

3. Complete the directives that given

The Organization’s Expectations After Implementing An Information System

1. Performance
increasing the work of the new system so that it more effective.

2. Information
Increase the quality of information.

3. Economy
Increase the profit and decrease the cost.

4. Control
The Purpose of control is detect and fix the mistakes or error.
exemple : application barcode inside comodity in mini market

5. Efficiency
The organization must to increase the efficiency of operational.

6. Services
Increase the services of system.

The Principles Of Developing An Information System

1. Developed system for the management.
The system is finished develop, so the system must support its necessary by management.

2. Developed system is a big investment
Developing system need much money and modern technologi.

3. The development of system needs educated people.
Human is determine success or fail a certain system.

4. There is a step or process that must be done in system development.
Process developing system is teamwork.

5. System development process must not massage.

6. Don't be afraid to cancel a project.
cancel the project have to accurate opinion.

7. Documentation is important for guidance in system development

System Development Life Cycle Models

a. Model of waterfall explanation :

- Requirement
- Design
- Implementation
- Verification
- Maintenance

b. Model iteratif explanation :

- Initial planning
- Planning,
- Requirement
- Analysis and design
- Implementation
- Deployment
- Testing
- Evaluation

c. Model spiral explanation :

- Determine objectives
- Identify and resolve risk
- Development and test
- Plan the next iteration

Approaches Of Developing A System

1. Classical approach and structured approach ( looked into used methodologies).

a. Classical Approach
Is classic approach methodologies to develop the system by following the step in system life cycle.

b. Structured Approach
User involvement from the beginning to determine the needs of the system

2. Piecemeal approach and system approach (looked into the target to reach).

a. Piecemental Approach
A development of system that tell about only an activities.

b. System Approach
A development of system that attention to all activities in unity form.

3. Bottom-up approach and Top-down approach (looked into the way of determining requirement of system).

a. Bottom-Up Approach
A bottom-up approach is piecing together systems to give rise to grander systems, thus making the original systems sub-systems of the emergent system. In a bottom-up approach the individual base elements of the system are first specified in great detail. These elements are then linked together to form larger subsystems, which then in turn are linked, sometimes in many levels, until a complete top-level system is formed. This strategy often resembles a "seed" model, whereby the beginnings are small but eventually grow in complexity and completeness. However, "organic strategies" may result in a tangle of elements and subsystems, developed in isolation and subject to local optimization as opposed to meeting a global purpose.

b. Top-Down Approach
A top-down approach is essentially breaking down a system to gain insight into its compositional sub-systems. In a top-down approach an overview of the system is first formulated, specifying but not detailing any first-level subsystems. Each subsystem is then refined in yet greater detail, sometimes in many additional subsystem levels, until the entire specification is reduced to base elements. A top-down model is often specified with the assistance of "black boxes" that make it easier to manipulate. However, black boxes may fail to elucidate elementary mechanisms or be detailed enough to realistically validate the model.

4. Total-system approach and modular approach (looked into the way of developing it).

a. Total System Approach
The approach that developed sistem simultaneously.

b. Modular Approach
Solving problem that complicated become simple module.

5. Great loop approach and evolutionary approach (looked into technology to be used).

a. Great Loop Approach
The approach that comprehensive use good technologi because development of technologi cause appear risk.

b. Evolutionary Approach
The application of technologi only for needed applications and can follow the fast development of technologi.

The Meaning Of Methodology, Method And Algorithm

A.Methodology can be defined as:
The unity of methods, procedures, the regulations that is used in science for developing the information system.

B. Method
A way to do something.

C. Algorithm
Algorithm is a sequence of finite instructions, often used for calculation and data processing.

Classifications Of Development Methodology

1. Functional decomposition methodologies
Emphasizing resolving of system becomes subsystem.

- HIPO (Hierarchy plus Input Process Output)
- SR (Stepwise Refinement)
- ISR (Iterative Stepwise Refinement)
- Information-Hiding

2. Data-oriented methodologies

This methodologies is grouped into 2 class:

A. Data-flow oriented methodologies
- SADT (Structured Analysis and Design Techniques)
- Composite Design
- Structured System analysis and design.
B. Data structure oriented methodologies
- JSD (Jakson's system development)
- W/O (Warnier/ Orr)

3. Prescriptive Methodologies
In this methodology including:
- ISDOS (Information System Design and Optimization System)
- SDM/70
- SRES and SREM, etc.

Tools For Developing A System

The tools there are in the form of diagram and chart, such as :
- HIPO diagram.
- Data flow diagram.
- SADT (Structured Analysis and Design Techniques)
- structured chart.
- Jackson's diagrams.

Besides the tools that mention above, there are utilizes that used at all of methodology. The tools as a chart set that grouped by:

- Activity charting: to figuring activity.
example: - chart's substituting.
- flowchart.

Layout charting:to figuring layout.

- Personal relationship charting: to figuring person relationship,
example: - organization chart.
- working distribution chart

Techniques Used In Developing A System

1. Technique Management project
For schedule a project
Example: CPM (Critical Path Method) and PERT (Program Evaluation And Review Technique)

2. Technique find fact
to collect data and determine and find the facts
– interview
– Observation

3. Technique cost analysis

4. Technique run meeting

5. walkthrough

The Differences Of Being A System Analyst And A Programmer.

1. System Analyst
A systems analyst is responsible for researching, planning, coordinating and recommending software and system choices to meet an organization's business requirements. The systems analyst plays a vital role in the systems development process. A successful systems analyst must acquire four skills: analytical, technical, managerial, and interpersonal.

2. Programmer
A Person who make a software in computer and understand about technologi of computer.